Where did you get source of this info?I don't know if any of you are using Stumbleupon for anything but I read recently that they are closing down. If you are using them for your internet marketing then you should perhaps find an alternative to use.
I saw it in the Trends for you section of Twitter at first but I did a search in google and saw many results about this. Do you use Stumbleupon for your marketing?Where did you get source of this info?
Is it an official announcement from Stumbleupon? I am doubting about this new![]()
You may be right about the competition. They still have many users but maybe they just got a good offer for it from the other website.I am not using it but I have read a little about it for marketing uses and though about using it later on. I wonder why they are closing down. Maybe because they just can't compete with Facebook, Twitter and the others.
I saw some things about mix.com but after reading on it I don't think I will be using it myself.I've never really used StumbleUpon that much so it really doesn't matter to me but for those of you who are/did/have used StumbleUpon you have till the end of the month to migrate your account to mix.com, a similar site from what I have heard.
I did not see any information that said if any of their content was going to be transferred to the new service so I think you are probably right that it will be a waste if you did use them.I have not seen anything about this but I am glad that I saw this post because I was thinking about starting some content marketing on Stumbleupon.
I have been meaning to do something on it for many months but have just not been able to have the time to do it. I am glad I didn't because that would have been wasted time.
I have not seen anything that says that it was used too much for marketing so you might be right but I really do not know too much about it so I do not know for sure.I do not think that stumbleupon was used by that many marketers because I did not ever see it was talked about when I was reading and looking around. Maybe some are but I do not think them closing will hurt too many internet marketers.