
  1. Traveler

    How many blog posts per month?

    What do you guys think is a good amount of blog posts to make on a blog each month? I don't have a lot of time to write blog posts so I only do them when I can so what do you think would be the minimum to make and still be looking good?
  2. Melker

    Question about starting 2 blogs

    I have a question regarding 2 blogs and I am hoping for some input. I want to have 2 different blogs that cover 2 different topics but I am not sure which is the better way to go so what do you think? A. Start 1 blog and then wait till it gets going pretty good before starting the second blog...
  3. Traveler

    Do you use Tumblr?

    I keep hear about this social media blogging website but I don't know if it's good or not. I tried looking for information on it but it's making me more confused about it. Do you use it and is it good for marketing?
  4. Ellen F

    2 Smaller Blogs or 1 Big Blog?

    I am wanting to get into 2 different niches for a couple of new blogs and was wondering if it would be better to have a separate blog for each niche or 1 bigger blog that covers both niches. I don't know enough to know which would be the better way to do things so I am hoping that some...