I grew up without the internet and it was a much simpler time and definitely a lot less stress. The internet and computers in general have been very good to me and given me a career and opportunities that I would have never imagined 30 years ago.
But it would be nice if the younger generation got away from their machines once in awhile and lived life a little more disconnected from the virtual world. One thing that I have really noticed with my students is that they get almost all of their information from the internet. And the scary thing is they never question the accuracy of the information. They live their lives, or at least a big portion of their lives by information they obtain from the internet.
There is a lot of garbage out there and much of it is half truths or no truth at all. But they still swear to it like it was written in stone. A sad fact. At times it drives me crazy. You can point out the facts, show them the science and the statistics, and still they question it because the internet says something different.
But would I want to live without it, not a chance. For all the negatives that are associated with the instant gratification society, there are still some very big positives. I just hope as it matures it begins to better balance out.