Can you live without internet?


Active Member
I remember a time when there was no internet, mobile phones etc.. For the life of me I really do no know how we all survived without it lol...


Saying that I'd be happy living on a paradise Island without internet connection as long as it had an adequate supply of booze and ciggies ;-)


Active Member
I remember a time when there was no internet, mobile phones etc.. For the life of me I really do no know how we all survived without it lol...

Saying that I'd be happy living on a paradise Island without internet connection as long as it had an adequate supply of booze and ciggies ;-)

I remember the times too when we had no internet, no cell phones, only libraries, paperback books and rotary dial phones, and we survived didn't we!? I would love to live out in the woods, maybe not completely cut off from society, but far enough away that I don't have to deal with city traffic. Now, you could always put me on an island too with the hubby, my dogs, paper and pens, mountain dew and smokes and I think I would survive... OH and don't forget a steady supply of chocolate, I am a girl after

aaron kev

I know I cannot live without internet. But still miss those days when I use to ride bicycles with my friends, fly kites ( one of favourite game in North India ), mario and contra games and many more. Miss those days. :(


New Member
We have to remember that still 70% people do not have proper access or 0 access to internet and you know what they are still alive. :p.

We have to know what are our needs (like food,shelter, medicine, clothing). And rest comes in the category of facilities.


Active Member
Physically live without the internet? Not a problem!!! :)

But getting your day to day done with work, friend & families in other countries, etc... it would for sure be a challenge now a days. The internet has become a commodity (at least here in Canada) that indirectly you must have it to survive. I'll say about 70% of the jobs require you to apply online so if you don't have it at home you would need to go to a public library or a job help facility to apply. Heck, even receipts get emailed to you when you go to the hardware store to buy 5cent nails lol.


Well-Known Member
Can I live without the internet? Yes I can but I wouldn't want to. I do so many different things and it has become an essential part of my everyday life so I just can't even begin to image going through life without it.

Hopefully I won't have to go without it any time soon! :)

Cheers, Dean

Maria Marketing

Active Member
Ha, ha! I am almost living without the internet right now and not by choice. My internet connection is not too good. It's slow and goes down often. I am looking into changing that but have been busy lately.

So, hopefully I will be able to say no soon! :)


Well-Known Member
I'd have to say no, I can't live without it. I make my living through the internet so if I lost that then I would lose my income avenue.

Of course I could go back to a traditional job working for someone but I really don't want to do that! ;)


Active Member
I grew up without the internet and it was a much simpler time and definitely a lot less stress. The internet and computers in general have been very good to me and given me a career and opportunities that I would have never imagined 30 years ago.

But it would be nice if the younger generation got away from their machines once in awhile and lived life a little more disconnected from the virtual world. One thing that I have really noticed with my students is that they get almost all of their information from the internet. And the scary thing is they never question the accuracy of the information. They live their lives, or at least a big portion of their lives by information they obtain from the internet.

There is a lot of garbage out there and much of it is half truths or no truth at all. But they still swear to it like it was written in stone. A sad fact. At times it drives me crazy. You can point out the facts, show them the science and the statistics, and still they question it because the internet says something different.

But would I want to live without it, not a chance. For all the negatives that are associated with the instant gratification society, there are still some very big positives. I just hope as it matures it begins to better balance out.


Active Member
And the scary thing is they never question the accuracy of the information. They live their lives, or at least a big portion of their lives by information they obtain from the internet.
That's funny, I was telling my nephew the same thing a couple of days ago. He thinks that just because something shows up on google then it must be accurate information. This is not always the case and my sister and I have had a hard time making him understand this.

Sometimes the things these kids take for reality, things that are not and it's just because they saw it online. A crazy world we live in these days!


Active Member
I can live without it because I did it for a long time before it was available to the public. Growing up we did not have the internet and we were all fine so I think I can live without it. I do not want to but if I must then I will be able to. Some people rely on the internet too much. What happens if it is gone one day? Many people will have a hard time I think.


Active Member
Ha Ha! Not anymore!

I do not get enough time to do all the things that I want to on the internet now and always want more time online. Without it then it would be a lot harder to find information we all need. I am always looking up things online so I can not live without it now. Then my life would be much harder.


I can live without it because I have not relied on it so much as other people do. I also do not have a good internet connection and many times have to use it from the school where I teach. They do not like us to use it for personal use but a little is ok. I am seeking a better service for my home and then I might need it a lot more.


Active Member
I don't think I could live without the internet very easily. That's my main source of secondary income after my day job. I also buy a lot of things online so that would make it harder and more costly.


Active Member
It's funny that I should see this topic here since I was asked this by a buddy of mine a couple days ago. I told him my internet had had problems the last few days and I was unhappy with my ISP and their lack of help to resolve the issue.

He took that as a sign that I couldn't live without the internet and asked me this exact same question. I told him I might have to get a second job to keep my mind occupied so I guess that's my answer to this question. LOL