I have been looking around for a web host to start a blog and most of them seem like they are about the same as far as what they offer. Some of the amounts and specs of their plans are different but that's about all I am noticing that is different.
Most seem to use the same setups or at least similar so I was wondering if there are any real differences between different web hosts.
Are these basically all the same overall or are there any big differences between hosts with similar offerings?
Sorry if this sounds like a strange question but for someone that doesn't know a lot about hosting this is just something that I have observed.
Most seem to use the same setups or at least similar so I was wondering if there are any real differences between different web hosts.
Are these basically all the same overall or are there any big differences between hosts with similar offerings?
Sorry if this sounds like a strange question but for someone that doesn't know a lot about hosting this is just something that I have observed.