If they are real like on any page , so if you are promoting any thing over your page all those Real likes will be seeing that post in their feed.
Suppose a brand is having 10,000 Real Like ( not botted ones ) then whenever that page will post anything on its wall that will be shown up over all 10k followers feed .
When these Followers - like , share , comment on that post .. friends in that particular follower circle will also get that in his / her feed .
@Maria Marketing and me are friend and
@Maria Marketing has liked a page "XYZ" , when "XYZ" will post anything on their wall it will be shown as a latest feed for
@Maria Marketing . Now if
@Maria Marketing reacts to that post like comment or share , I will see that post in my feeds that
@Maria Marketing has done some activity over "XYZ" page - post.
It will help in increasing engagement and activity over the page and getting good traffic over the link or what so ever content the page has posted.