
Today we will talk about how to "pack" the inventory with the maximum benefit for partner platforms.

Already for a long time no one is arguing the fact that programmatic buying is optimal performance management process for both publishers and clients. This is demonstrated by the company Xaxis experience, which merged with 24/7 Media and changed its strategy: it has moved from purely algorithmic procurement to the way which lets it to help the sites to understand how to assemble and present their inventory to sell it to such companies as Xaxis. This is not always an easy process, because publishers need to consider a number of key points.

However, before we delve into these guidelines, it is necessary to deal with what we mean by the word «programmatic». Because this term has several interpretations in the market. Programmatic is responsible for automation of media buying process by means of electronic systems to reduce the number of mechanical operations. Media buying can take place in an auction format or at fixed prices. Some experts use the term "programmatic" in the same way with the concept of "ad exchange buying", but this approach is not always accurate. There are many ways for programmatic implementation of inventory, that's why all of the steps must be clearly reconciled to explain our intentions to partners.

Here are some tips to implement campaigns with maximum benefit for both the seller and the buyer.

1. "Viewability" and transparency

Publishers should pay close attention to filling of their banners, eliminate piling up of advertisements or constantly update them to make the large ad units and display ads more accessible in the places that are characterized by a large number of views. Providing customers with the transparency in the process of bid request (at least at the domain level) you get their trust and make it clear that you are serious about their black / white lists.

2. Packaging

Before selling advertising impressions, they must be grouped into categories, depending on the target audience parameters, in other words, packed. The purpose of the platform is to submit the inventory in the maximum possible light, so during the "packaging" you need to think about all the popular / general categories and audiences, to increase the chance of rates falling on your inventory.

3. Price

Creation of multi-level placements architecture gives the seller more granular control over pricing and the price corresponding to the market demand. Buyers are willing to pay a higher price for quality inventory. But if it comes to inventory of "second screen" or high-frequency, it usually leads to the lowest possible rates.

4. Privileged access

When targeting the largest and most strategic customers, publishers need to make sure that these clients will have privileged access to a unique inventory (first look). This will increase the number of high-value customers and stimulate demand for inventory.

5. Data

Some clients (eg, Xaxis) are willing to buy unique anonymous data to use them to make proper commercial and creative decisions. Offering key strategic partners access to their data, the platforms will eventually get the maximum rates and long-term mutually beneficial relationship.

Paying close attention to these basic rules, you can establish close contacts with the most serious buyers, substantially increase your income, fully meet the demands of customers and significantly improve interaction with the users within your target audience.



Modern advertising industry is completely focused on viewability. The most urgent issue for today is how important viewability is as a criterion.

Of course, showing of an advertisement in the field of view is important. However, we must avoid the fact when we transform this metric in the next CTR. You have to understand that, like a click, ad that is in the visible part of the screen, is a pretty rough criterion of success. In fact, it is just the starting point. So try not to fall into the trap, in which all decisions are based on the level of advertising viewability. If you do, you'll be very disappointed.

Viewable display advertising is defined as one that is relevant to the ad, the user sees. We can measure viewability using different standards: it may be 50% of the banner space, visible within 1 second (IAB standard) or 65% of the banner space, which is showed within 6 seconds (GroupM standard).


Optimizing their media buying, relying solely on this new metric, market players tend to remain unhappy with the results. It turns out that such contextual categories as adult content and gaming have the highest rate of viewability! In addition, just as CTR were artificially increased by pop-up advertisements, many sites today are designed in such a way as to maximize such indicator as viewability.

A new era in which there is room only for "visible" advertisements, comes. Therefore, we must be prepared for the fact that the viewability receives the status of an autonomous metrics.


Fraudsters are very closely monitoring all "movements" of the market and trying to quickly pass to a new level each time. Just as pay per click and an obsession with CTR have created click fraud, emphasis on viewability of advertising has become a source of a new type of fraud - fraudsters are now beginning to operate with so-called "viewable impressions of advertising." And it's just an incredibly fertile environment for the prosperity of fraud, because bots are browsing the ads more often than men. This type of scam is much more difficult to identify than click fraud.

Study on click fraud using bots, conducted by the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) in association with White Ops, indicates that in 2016 bots "will stole" about 6.3 billion dollars from advertisers.

"When we look at the top 100 of the best sites what do we see? 90% or so of them are characterized by relatively low bot traffic, "- said Gian Fulgoni, chairman emeritus and co-founder of ComScore. "But when we begin to more closely study the sites, dividing it into separate sections, it turns out that half of them have an average, and even higher level of fraudulent traffic. We can officially say that half of the largest publishers have serious problems with both the fraud and viewability of advertising. "


So what's next? Viewability of advertising will play one of the first violins. And the industry will focus on ad exposure. Market players will focus on such a metric as real viewable advertising. Who needs a simple fact that advertisement is booted into the browser? Advertisers are interested in the quality of the advertising exposure - the actual number of audience contacted with a carrier of advertising.

Google offers its customers such a tool as viewable CPM. It allows advertisers to pay only for the impressions that are identified as viewable. Еhose ads, 50% of which are in the field of view for one second or longer for banners and for two seconds or longer for videoб are "viewable".

Technology of targeting and measuring of the effectiveness of advertising must take into account only measurable factors associated with each impression of advertising. Without this media buyers are threatened to purchase low-quality or unsafe traffic. Quality includes many critical aspects, including the size of the ad compared with the viewport, and the relevance of the nature of the site content, on which the ad is showed and others.

At the same time there is a big difference between the quality of a viewable ad and the quality of a viewable video. Video tells the whole story, and in such advertising there are many additional factors that are crucial for understanding the effectiveness of ads. Among them there is the degree of completion of video view, auto play and the size of the video player. With the increasing of the complexity of advertising, the complexity of measurement of its viewability is increased.

In the near future, measurement of the quality of the ad from the point of view of viewability will play a decisive role. So now it is the time to begin to look closely to these metrics, not to fall in the market rearguard.
