Kanika said:Please review my website Voxya.com, online consumer complaint in India.
Please review my website and give your suggestions how to improve my website?
I just tried to take a look at your site and got this message-
"Access denied. Your IP address is blacklisted. If you feel this is in error please contact your hosting provider's abuse department."
I don't know why it's doing that but if I am being blocked then I am sure other people are also and that will hurt your traffic and other things.
Great looking website you have there!
Below are my observations:
Voice of consumers
Where? Worldworldwide or just India? Can I place my complaint from UK or do I have to find out (as I tested) by clicking the File A Complaint button then clicking the Choose Company/Brand to discover dont recognise any of the company names?
Unless a visitor is prewarned (as you've done here) that it is a website for Indian based consumers how else would I know this?
Real success stories heading
Moved to the top, then the file complaint button moved below? Seeing the success of others means would warm me up to find out how I can instead of letting me jump in cold.
When I see the word REAL, I wonder where are the fakes to compare? Have you split test your landing page using the word REAL on one and then without it on another page for a week or so then see the results ie which one got more page engagement?
Liked the clean focused designed
Load timing
Loaded quickly as others have noted
Easy to find CTA (CallToAction) buttons