Facebook is definitely the best place to advertise for we know that almost everybody has access through it. I got lots of friends who are definitely earning in their online businesses with the help of Facebook. I get your doubts about being bashed and dragged down by other Facebook users but you see, if what your product is true you won't have to worry about those false accusations just push thru it. And remember, you cannot achieve fruitful results if you keep on noting negativity from others. Again just push thru it and stay positive. In this world you cannot expect everyone to like your offer but someone else will, all you need to do is continue looking for that someone and if you find that someone, surely it will testify about the truthfulness of your product and will refer you to someone else too. Then those bashing you will just be jealous of your success.Ive been seeing a lot of people advwrtise on facebook . I wanna know if its a good place to advertise since based on what i read. Some of those who advertise on facebook gets bash because of people who makes false accusations of there product.
Facebook is real good but it can be expensive compared to some other advertising alternatives. They have a very wide variety of users so you can reach most any type of person you are wanting to have see your ads.Ive been seeing a lot of people advwrtise on facebook . I wanna know if its a good place to advertise since based on what i read. Some of those who advertise on facebook gets bash because of people who makes false accusations of there product.
Are you asking about using paid advertising on Facebook or just using free ways like making posts on it?Ive been seeing a lot of people advwrtise on facebook . I wanna know if its a good place to advertise since based on what i read. Some of those who advertise on facebook gets bash because of people who makes false accusations of there product.