What is the TRAFIC SOURCE you are using?


Please enlighten me on the traffic source you are using for your website?
I would love to know how much does it cost per per your visitor. Everyone has a story to tell. Tell me yours and share your success with me :)
When you help someone solve a problem, you are helping yourself

Please share


New Member
Craigslist, Solo Ad, Organic traffic. These constitute my main three sources.

Naturally, getting listed on page 1 from Google or other search engines with the use of your targeted keywords are best ways to get free traffic. It's one of my best ways to get traffic that I'm using and focusing on ;)


Traffic from Google. My websites are getting from there, they are great with sales and quality visitors coming via search results.

Besideds, I am thinking about new ways like paid traffic, It can help me increase huge traffic in short time without spend time and effort like SEO (organic traffic) :D