
You are surely agree that it is a burning question, and only representatives of the key players in the market can answer it.

Algorithmic buying today is very popular. According to eMarketer, the growth of programmatic market in 2016 will amount to 38.4%. In other words, automation is no longer just an option, becoming a matter of strategy and implementation.

Heads of leading digital agencies taking part in Digiday Programmatic Summit, which was held in New Orlean, give their own predictions about the future of programmatic buying.

Vik Kathuria, director of global development of digital investment in the company MediaCom Worldwide:

The future is in premium, since, given the definition of the market, that is something scarce, so we get a higher CPM. Once premium goes the way of programmatic (if it is RTB, rather than private markets), such a product will be in much greater amount, and its price will fall. After that, we will not be able to call this advertising premium.

Christine Peterson, media director in the marketing digital agency MRY:

One of the biggest challenges and the main objectives of the programmatic space is the preservation of the true value of native advertising. And though all these adaptations for the various mobile screens and different models of consumer behavior make mobile "a ruthless Godzilla" getting up in the way of advertises, the speed of development and coverage of mobile advertising technologies indicate that soon the problem will be in the past.

Sean Muzzy, CEO in the North American department of the advertising agency Neo @ Ogilvy:

The problem lies not in the tactics, but in users' devices and change of platforms. Mobile provides a lot of opportunities, and in the future, the way the brands attract customers with the help of mobile technology, will determine how well we are able to use programmatic approach.

Steve Katelman, EVP of Global Strategic Partnerships in Omnicom Media Group

Native advertising is popular because all processes in it, as a rule, are customizable and non-scalable. And programmatic is best used in the case of scalable and recurring, not one-off processes.