

"Programmatic" is still the word of the year, day, hour, and every minute in the world of advertising. And if earlier it was dictated by fashion, but today it has become a necessity. But we need to stop taking this technology exclusively in terms of algorithms. We must try to humanize it a little bit.

As with many buzzwords, different people have very different understanding of programmatic. However, at its core it is the automation of procurement of Digital advertising when robots take decisions about what inventory to buy, when to buy it and where to place advertising content.

The continued expansion of programmatic space would mean the emergence of an even greater number of machines that will learn to make more-targeted, efficient, and "smart" advertising purchases. Such active participation of machines can give the impression that Digital advertising will become less emotional. In fact, this statement is true the other way around.

Programmatic buying has allowed marketers to go from purchase of placement to purchase of people. Instead of purchasing inventory on the publisher's website in the hope that the advertising content will attract the right visitors to the web site, the buyers of display advertising had a unique opportunity to involve targeted audience, sifting it for demographic, geographic, behavioral and psychographic characteristics. Continuous narrowing of targeting capabilities allows marketers to communicate with the consumer almost one-on-one. However, the message that is sent directly from the brand to the potential customer should be not only the most personalized, but also have emotional resonance.

Leading B2B-marketers are well aware of it. In a recently published report Only Human: The Emotional Logic of Business Decisions it is stated that the majority (61%) of CEOs agreed that in making decisions insights into the person (the person as a person, not as a consumer) should dominate over a tough analytics. 62% of respondents said that it is often necessary to rely on instinct and intuition, and emotional factors have the same weight as the rational. That is why B2B-marketers need to arm themselves with more emotionality to eventually win.

To make programmatic more human and emotional, here are a few tips.

1. Understand your audience at the micro level. The research is the foundation of any successful strategy. Personalized and one-to-one marketing is the ability to understand the needs, desires and weaknesses of the audience at the individual level.

2. Consider the environment. Is IP-targeting, geo-fencing used at fairs and other events? Is display advertising placed exclusively in a contextual manner, or display advertising is based on lifestyle, environment and thinking of the users?

3. The most effective use of technology. Programmatic significantly reduces the burden of creating individual messages to thousands of people. Keep abreast of the technologies that support personalized approach (one-to-one).

4. Do not forget about the UX *. Dynamic personalization works as long as it is comfortable to users. Encouraging of more active involvement will not be successful (and may even have a negative impact), if the landing page, website or automated marketing system don't coincide on issues of targeting.

* UX (user experience) designing is the effect on the feelings and behavior of users by creating and mutual reconciliation of those elements that have an impact on users' interaction experience with a particular company. Among these elements there are physical objects (eg, tangible goods and packaging), sound objects (advertising, specific pieces of music) and even smell (aroma of freshly baked bread in the shop that sells sandwiches). --- R. Unger, K. Chandler «UX-design. How to design interaction experience ".

5. Personalize instead of wreaking havoc. Consumers need decision-making information that would be most aligned to their individual needs. But they do not want to be aware of how many marketers know about them. It is important to observe the rules of decency and not go through the flimsy border.

It is indisputable that programmatic will continue to grow and develop. However, the main possibilities of the technology - it is a matter of the future. Algorithmic purchase advertising will become increasingly important for Digital marketers, displacing a certain share of direct purchases in favor of the acquisition of the "micro-targeted" members. Also the first harbingers of the storm purchases of programmatic television inventory have already appeared on the horizon.

The good news is that automated media buying will not position the buyers like soulless robots. Instead, our digital ad experience will be even more personalized and intimate.