problem why youths stopped using Facebook


New Member
Yah this thread should look surprising but if you take a very close look at it you will find out that its just the truth that so many young people have left this great platform called Facebook,

Reason being that this platform have become so popular to the extent that even our Grannies make use of Facebook and even our parents, this making some youth not to be comfortable while sharing some certain things on Facebook,

Like the normal funny bad stuffs they normally share with friends but now their parents is now in the system they don't feel free to share those stuffs, which have caused the migration of youths to other networks like TWITTER & INSTAGRAM

Yah am sure most parents are not yet on this platform, reason being that it have not gotten to them as a viral network, they still think they cannot make use of the platform or maybe they don't know how to operate on the network,

As for me I log in to Facebook but really I share anything on Facebook, I just look at the ones that others share...

What do you have to say about this thread thanks


New Member
Yes the sharing part has definitely reduced in comparison to twitter, insta, whatsapp as Facebook is mostly used for commenting on other sites. Facebooks advts. are too being affected by competition but still is the best SEO social tool. The fake news coming from Facebook has also hurt its credibility.

But Facebook is growing not because of social sharing but being part of other initiatives like assisting in VR surgeries which is still in developmental stages for full practice by doctors. Assistance like these is helping FB to grow more and their more participation in other aspects of the world will surely help them become a good source of social and real world


New Member
That doesn't look strange at all, I've seen it happen a lot. Young people like to post pictures where they're drunk or they're doing something they shouldn't do, or at least their parents and relatives shouldn't see them doing it. It was like a safe for them in the beginning, because they could share anything they wanted and only friends would see that. Now parents and relatives have noticed social media and taken an interest in it. With them there, the youths will never post the things they used to post. I've seen some relatives get worried for a simple status update, I don't even want to think about a picture.

That's why the youths are now on twitter and instagram. Much less intuitive and people who are not born in this era won't even understand how they work. Obviously if we talk about internet marketing, facebook is still first place, but that's not what we're talking about.


I think what is affecting Facebook youth interest is just the advent of other social media platforms.

The reigning thing now is how to be a slay queen and king and of course where do you get to see these fashion is on another platform the instagram.

so youths interest have been shifted to instagram lately.


It was expected. The advent of technology and people participation have been growing side by side. Once my friend mentioned that she had a certain bit of uncanniness while sharing something on Facebook with her friends because there were also some relatives of her in her friend's list. She later quit Facebook. That's even happening with popular platforms such as Whatsapp. There's too much personal stuff and far too many people who know the person sharing such information.


New Member
I wholeheartedly agree with you op.
If I can remember correctly, the last time I shared anything on Facebook was about 2 years ago and the reasons aren't farfetched.
My parents and older relatives joined, so they were always monitoring all my posts and honestly it wasn't comfortable.
But then, the Importance of Facebook can't be undermined.
Most people i thought I'd not see or hear from anymore are on Facebook and it's quite easy to catch up on past memories with them.


To be quite honest here i am in my twenties and i never really liked FB. Too much fake people and junk content. I keep it for strictly professional use.