Notepad++ vs Sublime Text vs Brackets?

Have you ever used one of code editor Notepad++, Sublime Text or Brackets?

What is your favorite code editor and which is better?
To be completely honest, I don't utilize any of the above. Typically I will program out of WordPad (believe it or not, it works for what I need it to do). For more intense projects, I use ZendStudio. Not a cheap solution, however the best one out there in my opinion


New Member
My choice is Codelobster
It works faster and supports HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript very well.
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New Member
Sublime Text rocks. It's extremely fast, it's quite simple to use and has some functionalities really useful that other editors doesn't have.


New Member
if that is corrected, then using Notepad ++


New Member
I recently switched from Notepad++ to Sublime and Brackets. They are both more powerful than Notepad++, I code a lot faster with Sublime and Brackets, but I still haven't decided what is the best editor. What I really like about Sublime is that it can connect directly via FTP to edit files on a remote server. But Sublime sometimes crashes with very large projects (+20 000 files) which is kind of a pain when working with frameworks like Laravel.
Brackets never crashes, but it is not as 'smart' as Sublime.


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What I really like about Sublime is that it can connect directly via FTP to edit files on a remote server
This is a useful information, to be honest I also tried to find a such editor that works with FTP client.

I am using Notepad++ and Emeditor and found that they are great tools to edit codes or file content. Not ever used sublime and brackets before :)


Well-Known Member
I usually just use Notepad++ but that's just because it was the first code editor that I started with. I have been wanting to try out some others one day but since I do not do much code editing I just stick with Notepad++ for now.

Maybe one day soon I will try some others out to see if I like any other better.