How to Start an SEO Company from Scratch?


New Member
Hi there,

I intend to start a search engine optimization company but honestly I don't know how to start and where to go from the beginning point?
I would love to hear your recommendations.

please share


It shall depend in which country you shall domicile your company, but here are the basics:

1. Engage a Certified Accountant to guide you on such issues as type of entity, taxation, capital and bookkeeping.
2. Plan and engage a marketing strategy, advertising and actionable budgets for these.
3. Specialize in a particular niche, preferably one you are comfortable with, because this gives you a better chance to succeed. Become the person to see in your niche. You will grow faster that way.
4. Your sales pitch has got to be unique. It must not be “I am an SEO specialist.” The benefits of working with you must stick out.
5. Get a good Lawyer. You will need one to guide you through the mine field of contracts between you and your clients and other legal difficulties.
6. For about 2 to 3 years after starting the business, plan to re-invest about 80% of your income back into the venture. You should be unable to do this, please do not start the business.

That is my 2 cents worth of advice.
Hope it helps!