How many Twitter followers?


Active Member
I have been growing my Twitter accounts lately and was wondering what some of you think is a good amount of followers to have for the account to be considered successful as far as a following.

What number do you think is good?


Well-Known Member
There is no set amount of followers that will determine success for a Twitter account. As stated above, there are factors that contribute to whether a Twitter account is a successful one or not and one of the bigger determining factors is whether on not your followers are real.

There are so many fake or junk followers on there that are not real and those will basically contribute nothing to you other than just a number added to your follower count.

I would worry more about the quality of your followers than the actual number of followers.


Well-Known Member
Success should be considered based on how successful your Tweets are, what kind of engagement you get from your followers and if you are getting good results from the use of Twitter and not how many followers you have.

The type (real/bot/fake) of the followers is what matters more than the amount of followers an account has. ;)


Active Member
I have seen many Twitter accounts with followers numbering hundreds of thousands or more but if you look at the followers you can tell that many are just fake and probably bought. I think if your followers are real then that would matter most and not the number of followers you have.

It seems like some people just want a big number to feel special. If you have a thousand that are real and interested in your posts then that would be better than hundreds of thousands that are not going to ever respond to your posts.