Hi everyone!

Hello! PenguinManiac here, fellow web enthusiast and webmaster wannabe. I hope I'll acquire new informations here (and I also hope I'll be able to give others useful tips as well)!


Well-Known Member
Hi PenguinManiac and welcome to Internet Marketing Star forum, we are happy to have you join the community and look forward to seeing you around the forum and reading your posts.

I'm sure you'll find a lot of useful information here and our members are always helpful and sharing experiences and knowledge. We have members of all skill and knowledge levels so there is always some good to be learned or shared that is valuable to the community.

I'm sure your tips will be helpful to some of the members as well.

Welcome again! :Welcome:

Welcome to the forum PenguinManiac. Does your ID mean that you really like penguins?

Thanks! Yeah, I've always found them funny, so it was only natural for me to pick a nickname like this, since I like to be friendly with everyone! Plus, I have a special preference for black/white color palettes in designs, for some reason. I think it's pretty fitting.


Hello welcome to our community. glad to have you here.

Hope you will learn from all the tips,comments and topics on this forum.

we wouldn't mind to share in your wealth of knowledge.

have a brilliant stay


Well-Known Member
Hi PenguinManiac, welcome to the forum.

I'm sure you'll find lots of good useful information around the boards and be a big help to other members. I have seen you helping others around the site already. :)


New Member
Hi penguinmaniac. Fellow newbie here too. Welcome to the forum and I wish us both the best of luck that we may learn alot and share experiences too in this forum. Cheers.