Hello, I am looking for a co-owner for Xenteen. Needs to know basic Xenforo functions. Forum is based around TV and Media, the site is fairly new and I really need some help with promoting, graphics etc. If interested please reply below thank you.
First of all congrats on your new forum , Can you please PM me the link of your forum so that I can suggest you best possible way for making your forum look awesome.
If you are willing to split the revenue with the co-owner then I can help you out. I have used xenforo, vbulletin, & IPB. I have been coding with these boards for years adding plugins skins and with xenforo its easier then all of them. I love the UI.X theme that was made I use it all the time.
PM me & send me a link to your site with details included I will check it out & let you know. You could even branch out your sphere of networks with my pages.