How to improve VPS performance


New Member
Hi, I would like to speed up my VPS as much as possible. I wondered if you can give me some tips on how to enhance server speed. My VPS linux OS system, RAM 1GB, Webmin control panel.


You can use a SSD server to increase the performance of your current VPS plan. You need to contact your web host and request for a SSD storage for improving the server performance.

RDO Servers

Active Member
What you should do to increase performance depends on what you use the VPS for, and where the bottleneck is.

If your site rely on a large amount of database queries, switching to SDD's can help performance. If your sites are mainly static content, a SSD won't help you much.

If you are using all of your available RAM, and resorting to swap file usage, increasing your RAM will help.

If you have a slow port speed that is not able to keep up with the traffic, increasing your port speed will help.

Then you must consider the software side of things. What web server are you using? Litespeed and nginx will give you better performance then apache.

Is you database optimised?

Is your site connecting to the database using local host or, or is it having to resolve the IP via DNS (

Is your website properly optimised?

Do you properly utilise gzip compression and caching.

Etc, etc, etc.

RDO Servers

Active Member
how to resorte to swap file usage? Is It automatic process?

Yes, if you system uses all of the systems available RAM, it will automatically use swap file. This is space on the hard drive, that the OS will use as memory. The problem is that hard drives read/write data much slower then RAM so using swap file will hurt your performance.