How to handle many requests for one ad location?


New Member

I have a sidebar on my site that shows ads in random order, so there's no limit to how many advertisers can buy space there. But I also have a horizontal banner at the top, and this is where my problem is. Lots of companies have asked to advertise there, but there's only room for one.

Currently, I charge for the top banner on a per-month basis, and an advertiser gets the spot for the entire month. If I rotated ads in that spot, I don't think it would be fair to keep charging that way: the more advertisers there were, the fewer impressions each advertiser would get, so a flat per-month rate is bad.

Switching to a CPM model would be much more complex, though. I would need to track impressions, bill companies at irregular intervals, and they would need to trust me that I'm counting impressions correctly. Using a third-party ad server might solve the trust issue, but it would make my advertisers' lives more difficult: they would need to create an account with the third party server and manage their ad through that.

Has anyone come up with another alternative for dealing with this situation?

Thank you,


As I knew then websites will sell one ad spot to more advertisers by selling CPM or selling a day/ a week and they can change base on time (schedule) that they want.

Of course CPM model you need to have a tool to show analytics for your advertisers and also you will easily follow the information and how much you earned from ads.