Tips on effective web research


The net is a smorgasbord of information. Someone who is pursuing the field of a Researcher should know how to play with words and validate information to get the best data.
Well to help you in improving this skill here are my tips on effective web research:

1. Be specific with your search.
Know what you need to find. Don't use general term that are open ended. For example, you are looking for a new apartment near your office in New York. If you simply type apartment or New York (I seriously met someone who does research this way) in your search browser you will just get various site that are not related to your topic or just to general for your needs. Try typing Apartment in New York or Apartment near (name of office or location), with this search term you have a better chance of getting the information you want.

2. Play with words.
Most sites now a day are already SEO. In web research try to use different variation of the same term for example for the word "apartment" you can use the word loft, condo, room ect. The word you use might not bet the synonymy of the initial word but as long as it has the same context.

3. Set parameters or filter.
Set search criterias to dwindle down your search area and to really get the most relavant data to your search topic but don't over do it you might not get anything if you do.

4. Lastly, validate the information you get.
the internet has a lot of information but not all of them are true. try reading through the data you collected. Remember more the data you are collecting is saying the same thing the more likely that is true.

Well, that's my tips for effective web research. So what's yours?