
Advertising is always most effective when it is well integrated into the sphere of customer service. Recently, algorithmic buying and "native ad" took two very different approaches, allowing marketers to develop effective and relevant strategy for finding points of contact with the target audience - one using data and the other with advertising disguised as content.

However, irrespective of the channel or advertising strategy, the main objective of any brand remains the same: to get its audience with "advertising boom" and sell more products. The more experienced the marketer is, the easier it is to achieve the goals. However, all this is impossible without scaling.

About 73% of publishers offer to place native ads on their sites, and advertisers more likely will buy their audience today by real time bidding (RTB), no matter on which site their target audience is. It is obvious that such an approach is far more profitable for the advertisers than the purchase of advertising from a particular publisher.

"Native" advertising

Native advertising involves the use of one of two ways: either a custom advertising, or integrated ads (for example, sponsored tweets).

Programmatic and RTB

Programmatic and advertising buying through real-time bidding, offering scalable solutions for marketers, based on the data and making custom advertising quite problematic are on the other side of the "fence".

If you know who is viewing your ad but do not have any information about where exactly the user saw your ad (because media is bought through ad exchange), then it will be very difficult to customize the user experience at the level of each particular site. Unfortunately, nobody develops a technology that would allow the use of this type of setting.

Integration of programmatic and native advertising

The integrated advertising campaign is very difficult to implement, because it requires different types of creativity in order to achieve a particular result. What "native" advertising needs to success is an oxymoron (a combination of words with opposite meanings, ie, a combination of incongruous - for example, "sad joy" or "silent scream"): integrated custom advertising, that is characterized by a standardized scaling.

In practice, this means that if you have a huge audience (like Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), then your advertising slogan will be a success, because the custom advertising in this case is more likely to reach the target audience. Another viable option would be to develop a standard ad unit, which can be included in the site content without distortion so that it is integrated through a sufficient number of publishers for scaling.

It is more likely that programmatic and native advertising will intersect in the case of premium programmatic that enables publishers and marketers to combine all the advantages and offers high-quality content, increased relevance, and scaled, unobtrusive advertisements.

Recently, many advertising technology companies, such as OpenX, Nativo and TripleLift, offered a variety of products and technologies aimed at the unification of "native" advertising and programmable buying. For example, one of the first trading desks Vivaki introduced technology «Audience on Demand Native», focused on buying native advertising with a more effective and scalable way.

The situation with publishers is as follows: if you have not included programmatic in your inventory, then you are exactly graze the rear. Time Inc. recently announced the expansion of its advertising exchange, and the director of risk management in the company "Forbes", Mark Howard, said that programmable buying and "native" advertising from BrandVoice will be the key areas of the industry.

Other major publishers, including «The Washington Post» and «Meredith», hired specialists who are experts in programmatic.

There is evidence that the premium sites are beginning to focus their attention on the algorithmic buying, which is able to bridge the gap between native advertising and advertising, based on the data in real time. Even if we consider that these two tendencies can coexist, we will need some time for "native" ads to take over features of programmable buying.

Programmatic Vs. Native ads

While some argue that programmatic is the best marketing strategy for understanding and attraction of the target audience, the others prefer such approaches as native advertising, which is closely related to the content. The truth is that the budget should be distributed so that you will have enough money for programmatic and native ads. Whatever strategy you choose, you must first make sure that the data is used effectively, and targeting is agreed with the chosen advertising strategy. Otherwise, you may find that the brand lacks scale, and it will lead to a lack of communication with targeted audience and low sales.