How do you make Facebook Group bigger?


New Member

We have a new Face Book Group and after adding our friends to the Group, we noticed an option to invite other people through e-mail.
My questions are:
• Is there a function for automatically inviting people via e-mail to remove the frustration of doing it one by one?
• Inviting people via their Face Book e-mail address: (@Facebook . com) results in the invitation going to the real person’s e-mail. How does one get e-mail addresses for Facebook users?

Thank you in advance for your advice.


Any Face Book Administrator would be rather upset if you advertised a link to your related Group within their own Group. It may be a logical source for new members and you have to be quite subtle how you go about it.

Consider Face Book Advertisements to recruit new members. Targeted adverts get you new members interested in your Group’s niche.


New Member
All you have to do is to invite your friends to your group and post interesting ideas or concepts that will attract your viewers. In that way they could share your post and persuade their friends to join your group.

I also made a post similar to this issue a few weeks ago, didn't get any good answers.. But after a long (Very long) research I've found the best way increasing the number of my FB group members.

First, to get Facebook emails you can use "Social Lead Freak" to scrap and convert IDs into emails from groups or pages on Facebook (costs $97-$247). Also you can use AnyAudience for Facebook" to scrap emails directly from any user list on Facebook. (costs $20).

As for the auto invitation problem, the only tool i know that works very well is also from AnyAudience team.. it's a chrome extension, that called Facebook Group Invite By Email" This tool will automate the process and invite unlimited of emails from TXT/CSV file. (Costs $10)

Good luck with your group!


What I have seen many people do is to invite all their friends, families, people they know who might like the group and I have also seen people make posts on some forums about groups.

Just invite anyone that you think will be good for the group or for your purposes.


Start joining other groups which are in your niche so that you can post over their and start making friends.

You can't add more then 5000 friends over your profile cause after that Facebook will ask you to convert your account into page.

So you need several accounts , proxies to work over this project. suppose you are using 10 accounts then you have

10*5000 = 50,000 Friends , now you can add these 50k friends in the group which you have created .

Before proceeding further you need to know limitations of Facebook how many friends you can add per day , how many posts you can make , with affiliate link or without affiliate link otherwise your account will get shadow banned or most probably you will get ID verification which is not good in Marketing.