Five steps will help you to maximize productivity (which means more money)


New Member
Did you know that with only 20% of your time you can get 80% of your results and other 80% of your time is basically wasted on some activities that are not productive.This article will help you to realize this and give you solution for making the most of your time and with that comes more money :) .

First person to realize this is Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto about 100 years ago.A lot of people these days complain that they do not have enough hours every day for important activities.If you are one of those persons read this and find a way to improve the worth of your time.

This 80-20 percentage means that 80% of our time is made of activities that are not productive and do not give us high enough return, and 20% is only what matters.So this small amount of our time is what gives us results in our business and higher return.

Now can this 80-20 rule help you to make more money from your time and more leisure time?If only it could be different so that 80% is our valuable time that gives us more results and 20% is time that is wasted, what would your results and return be?

If you try implementing these 5 steps into your life you will maximize our productivity beyond measurements.

1 - Keep a work log for at least a week

You can do this by writing down everything that you work on during the day and time spent doing it.This will on the start be something that will take some of your time away but it is important in realizing how much time do you use in productive activities.So that later you can use this in your advantage for making the most of your time.

2 - Analyse your activities

Divide your activities like this: - High priority and Low priority
High priority activities are the ones that give you return and activities that you are only one skilled to do the work.
Low priority activities are for example something that other people from your staff can do.
Probably while analyzing this you will find that you spend more of your time doing low priority activities instead of high priority activities.A lot of businesses have problem with these low priority activities that are just not worth it.

3 - Delegate non productive activities

With the work from the first step you will be able to identify low priority activities and delegate as many of them you can to other people.If you dont have anyone working for you hire some person to take responsibility in these low priority activities.This will maybe be something weird because how can hiring someone mean more money for me, but with you time that was previously used on non productive activities now available you can use that time for high priority activities and get higher return.

4 - Calculate the time required for any remaining low priority activities

You probably left some low priority activities for your self, now what you need to do is calculate minimum amount of your time to use for this activities to be done the proper way.Do not just work on them as hard as on high priority activities, instead set a specified time each day or week for these activities.

5 - Prioritize your remaining activities

Now turn all of your attention on activities in your life that bring the most rewards.When you are finished prioritizing your activities focus most of your time on a few high priority activities.
The basics are to maximize your results from activities with high return and separate those activities that have low return.Working on activities that are not productive is something that gives a lot of people stress.So delegating these activities will reduce the amount of stress you are under.It all evolves around working less for more.

If you want more from your time this is something that you should at least try to do.This will not only help you with making more money from your time it will also help your personal life because there will be more time left for you and your family.So follow this 80-20 system like so many people did and enjoy more free time and more wealth over longer period of time.
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