
New Member
Optimize for Rich Answers

Improve user engagement

Mobile App Optimization

Google’s new search quality guidelines

It’s all in the video

Keywords have lost a bit of importance

Long Content is coming back



Well-Known Member
Optimize for Rich Answers

Improve user engagement

Mobile App Optimization

Google’s new search quality guidelines

It’s all in the video

Keywords have lost a bit of importance

Long Content is coming back

Thanks for sharing these tips. Can you elaborate on them a little bit so that people will know what exactly these are?


Well-Known Member
Optimize for Rich Answers

Improve user engagement

Mobile App Optimization

Google’s new search quality guidelines

It’s all in the video

Keywords have lost a bit of importance

Long Content is coming back

Can you maybe expand on what each of these mean and the point that you are making with them? I think that some of us are not clear on what these all mean.
Optimise visual content - Visual content is more important than ever. It manages to supplement text in the best possible way (or even to replace it) and it certainly can affect SEO.
Keep your online footprint up-to-date - Your online presence goes way beyond your site. The problem is that we tend to forget how our online footprint may extend to all the different platforms we may try out at some point and then abandon.
Invest more time in your content - It was already clear from 2016 that search engines focus on the actual content rather than its optimisation. There’s no need to spend more time on the optimisation if your content is not appealing enough for your audience.