learn more about Instagram explore page


New Member
So many users on Instagram always wonder how the Instagram explore page works, but it is really simple to learn and to let your post appear on the explore page,

1. Hash tag: you have to make use of hash tags to your post and let your hash tag relate to the post you just made, but don't make your hash tag much, that it will now make your post look dirty...

2: Quality picture: make your picture look quality so that it will rank well on all the hash tags you just made use of, so as to let people that view those hash tag like your picture, and then making your picture have more chances of getting to the explore page, continue reading we are getting they already...

3. Tag people: Tag more people to your picture, maximum of twenty people will be alright for your picture, and probably 15 among the people you tagged will surely like your picture, Then here you will be confused how your picture will appear on the explore page,

Now that so many people have liked your picture due to its quality and eye looking, your picture will now be shown to the followers of those that liked your pictures of resent and it will now expose your picture to those that have liked your type of picture, that's how it works on the explore page...

Thanks for time and be free to ask some questions


New Member
Wow, thanks a real lot op.
This is really an eye opener . I always thought it was a sort of magic or random coincidence to get your picture on the explore page, never knew there were rules attached to it.
Gonna put this into practice and see how it goes.
Thanks again.