There are a lot of factor that will allow you to be on first page of Google base on algorithm.
There are 2 stages that need to be tidy up. These stage are your Onpage SEO and Off page SEO.
Onpage SEO have to do with your target keyword (how do you phrase it, is it user intent?) if you're the one searching will you search according to your phrase?
Thereafter check your tag’s H1,H2,H3,H4,H5 are they properly formatted and use according?
Does your focus keyword appears in the URL in the page? How about the length of the meta description, is it sufficient?
How about your Altnate Tag, Anchor Text, Feature Pics etc? Do you have your keyword tag to them?
Are you using your Keyword with H2 format? Are your Anchor text linking to your internal & external links page?
Is your content providing value to the user?
How about the length of your content is it up to 2,500 plus? Does your images on this page contain alt attributes with the focus keyword.
How many words are you having on each paragraph? Does your content have a good readability?
All this and many more contribute to your content be rank. I’ve rank a lot on first page and the only way to do that are base on the question above if your content meet up to it.
If your content can pass this questions above and some others then you have settle the Onpage SEO issues.
For the Offpage SEO; how many backlinks do you have that are pointing to that page and your site? I don’t mean blackhat backlinks.
I mean Authoritative site, influencers in your niche, .gov, .edu sites. Do you have them pointing to your site or content? How about your social signals?
How many backlinks do you have link to your competitor site?
Do you know you can even outrank them if done well?
These and many more are what qualify you to be on first page on Google.
I have a detailed answer on my post and will help your more if applied.
I look forward to see your content on first page on Google.