What is your core design project type?

Michael Meaney

New Member
As a graphic designer, what type of project would you like to be identified with?

What do you love doing most as a graphic designer?

Is it Logo Designing? Is it Banner Designing? Is it designing something else?

Tell me.

Daniel Evans

New Member
I'm a logo designer and have been since the early 90's.

I've had the honour of being published in some of the industry most popular logo design books and a lot of people associate me with the trade (and trumpet playing).

I like the simplicity of the profession and the way it demands more of the mind. Simplicity can be very challenging.

I like to be able to make things out of other things, highlighting things people may not see at first glance and it's always a blessing when projects demand this. It's a tactful art.


Well-Known Member
I personally like creating banner ads myself. I am still somewhat of a novice designer with a lot to learn but I can usually create decent banners for my websites and blogs.