Under the weather?

RDO Servers

Active Member
I feel your pain!

I'm waiting on test results and to find out when I have to go in to have my gallbladder removed....

So, what do I do when sick and it hurts to move? Spend more time on IMS of course!



Active Member
I eat soup and try to sleep.

For future reference, everyone knows that vitamin C is helpful in fighting colds. Did you know that vitamin D is a huge immune system booster? I read up about it some months back. I started supplementing vitamin D because, unless you spend a lot of time in the sun or unless you drink a lot of milk, you probably aren't getting enough. Do some research on it.


Active Member
Sleep! And drug myself up, Nyquil has always been my favorite...lol Chicken Soup, or crackers for nausea. Feed a fever starve a cold, I think that's right. I hope you feel better soon~!:DD:


Active Member
Get well soon buddy! Hopefully this will cheer you up....



Active Member
Wishing you a speedy recovery @Hostlumina :Thumb:

When you're sick, your body is just trying to remove the mucus caused by the food you eat and drinks, so for a speedy recovery eat some organic food this will speed up the process of cleaning up your body and remove the acid. Next time mix your food with some organic stuff to fight the acid before it gets worse and blow the top :DD:

But hope you get well soon.