Own Videos or YouTube, Which one do search engines prefer?


Greetings everyone,

For our new product, we are thinking of creating an informative Video.

However, we do not know which option would be the most valuable regarding search engines and we need your help.

Should we place the Video on our website or should we create a YouTube Channel and place the Video there?

Thank you in advance for your help.


Active Member
If you are looking to rank your video on the SERPs then for sure you will want to put it on to Youtube or similar video streaming services.... Youtube vidoes tend to rank pretty fast given its on a recognized authority site.... G's algo has some bias towards web 2.0 authority sites...

If I was you I would place the video on Youtube and then embed that video onto your website... I would not self host the video... Putting it onto Youtube will give it much more exposure.


New Member
You should host the video on another website, such as YouTube, and then have it embedded on your webpage. This way, you will not have to worry about the video taking up your bandwidth.

Google will also love your videos if you place videos on YouTube.